A downloadable Supplement

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Dungeons are a staple of the JRPG genre, but at the same time, they can be long and grindy, especially when repeatedly facing the same enemies. Sometimes they even feel like filler. 

But dungeons are really important to the stories Shepherds wants to tell. So how do you tell a story that involves traversing a dungeon without taking a whole lot of time and making a whole lot of dice rolls?

That's what this supplement does.

You'll traverse the dungeon in a quick montage, giving characters a chance to show who they are and how they approach problems, as well as how they interact with their comrades. You'll learn about the world and battle a boss, and you'll do it all without making maps, grinding through enemies, or spending multiple sessions in the depths.

Included are rules for how to prepare and run a dungeon in Shepherds, a player handout, and a GM prep sheet.  You'll probably also want to own the Shepherds core rules unless you plan on adapting these procedures to a different ruleset.

Like Shepherds and Fregena on the River, all proceeds from the sale of this supplement will be donated to Direct Relief.


Get this Supplement and 421 more for $10.00 USD
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In order to download this Supplement you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $3 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Dungeons All Files.zip 17 MB
Dungeons Single Pages.pdf 5.8 MB
Dungeons Spreads.pdf 5.8 MB
Dungeons.epub 6.2 MB
Dungeons Reference.pdf 78 kB
Dungeons Prep Sheet.pdf 22 kB

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